In the first act of a doll's house, Nora has seemed to have gotten herself in a huge amount of trouble. Im going to relate this play to the play we had recently read.. A Raisin in the Sun! Walter the husband and man of the house in A Raisin in the Sun did everything for money because he wanted to own a liquor buisness. Nora now also wanted the money because she needed it to repay the money she borrowed. Both Nora and Walter share a common interest in doing whatever it takes to get the money they need.
Also I would like to relate Nora and Kristina's relationship to George and Lenny in Of Mice and Men. In both stories their long time friendships were interuppted or in troubles because of the action of one. In George and Lenny's case, Lenny kept not purposely getting hiself into trouble and in Nora and Kristina's case Nora is jeopardizing Kristina's almost new job so she wont be caught by her husband.
Great Connections to prior novels and plays we read.