Nora- I think Nora is a young lady that is too dependent on her husband, only after what she did. She was so worried of his almost death that she borrowed money to keep him alive and now her faking a signiture of her late father has gotten her into a big pile of trouble. She is also a bit whiney to me, like when she wants something, she puts herself out there to get what she wants. Nora reminds me of Curly's Wife from Of Mice and Men. They both have a way of putting theirself out there to get what that want and also they have alot of inner problems that affects their actions.
Mr. Helmer- I think he has two personailties. At one time he's calling Nora his songbird and acting to her like she is a little kid. He even thinks she's suppose to act like she needs him all the time and his opinion is the only that matter. Then the second personality is he is the big head banker and it would be embarassing for anyone to hear he gets advice from his wife, because he will be a laughing stock. Mr. Helmer kind of confuses me.
Krogstad- So far I think Krogstad is a betrayer. He does nice things for someone and if he wants to he uses that against you so he can get what he wants. I know its wrong for someone not to repay, but he has no heart for Nora's particular condition. I believe he will never get his job backthe way he is acting. Krogstad reminds me of Curly. He is like the big bully of the whole entire story.. and thinks he can pull little stunts to get what he wants, because he's good at lying.
Dr. Rank- I think Dr. Rank is the most friendliest person out of the entire play. He has a problem of dying and Nora just shuns him. He also tells her that she loves him and
First Post by Tuesday, 11:59PM
9 years ago
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